LEED Toolkit
We’d like to introduce you to LEED – The Local Environment and Economic Development toolkit.
This was an early collaboration between Wild Anglia, New Anglia LEP, both county councils and Defra, and that group has now completed its task.
The LEED toolkit has been piloted, adapted, and is now ready for use by LEPs as they plan and deliver their growth strategies across the country.
This toolkit allows LEPs to identify key opportunities and threats to their economic plans that stem from the economy’s dependence on the environment.
The LEED process gives fresh insight, supports strategic thinking, creates clarity from complex datasets and, critically, acts as a platform for increased partnership working.
In other words, LEED helps carve a path through the huge mass of data that exists on the environment with the aim of making excellent, sustainable Growth Plans.
For more information on LEED visit http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/planningdevelopment/lep-citydeals/leedtoolkit.aspx