
Administrative Governance of Wild Anglia is managed through the work of the Board.

A small  Board has overall administrative responsibility for Wild Anglia. They cover with the advisors  all legal, financial and administrative matters concerning the work of Wild Anglia as a CIC and includes individuals with significant corporate and sustainability experience.

Alongside them are a groups of supporters to help input ideas to develop the strategic direction of Wild Anglia.  The supporters are people enthusiastic and supportive of about the agenda. They take an informal but informative role and includes representatives from public, private and 3rd Sector organisations and from across multiple sectors, which recognises the range of issues that comprise the sustainability agenda and Wild Anglia’s Manifesto.

CIC Board


Richard Powell, OBE

Richard is Chair of Wild Anglia, Richard PowellHe is the Director of the History of Advertising Trust. Richard Chairs New Anglia European Structural Investments Funds Committee for Norfolk and Suffolk and represents all England’s LNP’s on the National European funding Project Board. He is also the Conservation Lead for the Regional Flood and Coastal Community Committee (Eastern) for the Environment Agency. Richard is passionate about landscape recreation and climate change adaptation and the need to be doing things differently to inspire new and alternative economic, social and environmental agendas.

Richard previously spent 28 years as Regional Director of the RSPB and Regional Director for the National Trust in the East of England.  He was Chair of the Region’s Heritage Lottery Fund Committee and a founding board director for EEDA and Sustainability East.

Richard was awarded an OBE for his work in the Environment and Sustainability in June 2005.

 01508 548623



Anna Martin

Operations Manager, Groundwork Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex

Anna Martin For B WSAnna Martin is Operations Manager for Groundwork Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex. Anna has over 13 years’ experience of designing, developing and providing environmental advice to businesses, communities and schools. Anna also has considerable experience of partnership working with a wide range of sectors, leveraging in funding, strategic development and business planning. As the Operations Manager for Groundwork Suffolk Anna and her team undertake a broad range of work with local communities and partners across six core sectors; employment and skills; education; young people; communities; business and land improvement. The environment is the inspiration for all of their work.

Anna is a trustee for Essex & Suffolk Rivers Trust, sits on The Water Forum for Essex & Suffolk Water, is a Suffolk Inward Investment Ambassador and board member for the Suffolk Sustainability Institute.  Contact Anna if you’re a business interested in creating, improving and investing in your local environment or even showcasing your own best practice work in relation to green infrastructure. 

01473 350377


Keith Moore

Sustainable Places Account Manager, Environment Agency

Contact me about improving and safeguarding natural assets to support Keith Moorebusiness and biodiversity, water-related issues or Local Environment and Economic Development (LEED) toolkit.

07768 422005






Kathy Gill. Wild Days Conservation

Gareth Price. Planning and landscape consultant

Matthew Cross CEO MCX Coaching

Jason Borthwick Deepdale Backpackers

Patrick Barkham Writer

Professor Tim o Riordan

Kate Blincoe Writer

Ciaran Nelson Anglian Water

Jeff Knott RSPB

Justine Oakes University of Suffolk

Saul Humphries Building Growth Group Chair

Miranda Cooper Essex and Suffolk Water

Ian Dunnett New Anglia LEP