Another great initiative from Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB Team
Landscapes for All in Suffolk and Essex As part of the Coast & Heaths and Dedham Vale Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty’s efforts to improve access to the natural environment, local organisations have been working in partnership to launch several initiatives to ensure the landscape is for everyone. The Landscapes for All work aims to…
Great Article from Suffolk Cast and Heaths
Thank you Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty Team Ambling African Women break down barriers to accessing Suffolk countryside Suffolk County Council celebrated the launch of ‘Ambling African Women’ a new partnership with PHOEBE, the Ipswich-based charity advocating for black and ethnic minority women and children aiming to increase access to Suffolk’s countryside.…
Forestry Commission update
Thanks to the Forestry Commission for continuing to update View this email in your browser 08/11/2023 Today read about… The Professional Forester Apprenticeship programme opening soon, our new blogs on British Game Week and woodland advice available through the PIES project. We are working on the consultation public register and book onto a webinar!…
Launch of People’s Plan For Nature
The launch today of a fabulous initiative, creative and partnership focused and really easy to partcipate Wild Anglia really does endorse this As Caroline Lucas MP says ‘A clear mandate for Govt to act’ About | People’s Plan for Nature The People’s Plan for Nature is the UK’s biggest ever conversation about the future…
Essex Beaver Release
Thanks to Spain’s Hall for all the information below and huge congratulations for their project New beavers released in Essex as ground-breaking Natural Flood Management programme expands Spains Hall Estate 384 followersFollow March 17, 2023 Today, another four Eurasian beavers have been released into two brand new 50-acre enclosures on the Spains Hall Estate in…
World Wetlands Day
wetlands are so important for migratory birds, invertebrates and flowers in fact all biodiversity. They are Carbon sinks, flood protection, water storage, temperature regulators, and motorway service stations for many species. Jane Madgwick below CEO of Wetlands international used to be conservation office in the Broads, she is a star listen to her video, link…
Great place to stay in France
Le Moulin de Pensol is a fabulous place to stay. Owned and managed by one of Wild Anglia founders and brilliant person Heidi. Go to the website and book! It is a wonderfully managed area, packed full nature , flowers, butterfly’s, moths, grasses or just tranquillity and peace. You are guaranteed a warm welcome…
Norfolk FWAG Newsletter
The latest newsletter from FWAG Norfolk. Interesting Articles and useful information They would be pleased to hear from you if you need their help or advice details at the bas of the new letter Norfolk FWAG eNewsletter February 2023 This month: Farm for the future, Big Farmland Bird Count, Countryside Stewardship update, EA Sustain and more… …
Forestry Commission Update
Forestry Commission Area Update: East & East Midlands, December 2022 Funding updates and news Woods for Nature update News, articles, and resources: New Meet the Farmers podcast featuring Chatsworth Assistant Forester. Training and events Job opportunities Funding information and news Local Authority Treescapes Fund (LATF) and the Urban Tree Challenge Fund (UTCF) will open…
The Rivers Trust Briefing on Sewage Pollution
Parliamentary Briefing: Environment Bill Lords Amendment 45B on Sewage Pollution by The Rivers Trust, Angling Trust, Surfers Against Sewage, and Salmon & Trout Conservation This is a really good go to briefing on sewage thanks to the Rivers Trust et al link below