Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan published
Update from David Walton Programme Manager Suffolk Climate Change Partnership.

Suffolk’s Public Sector Leaders (SPSL) have published a Climate Emergency Plan for the county. It is for use by everyone living, working and visiting Suffolk and has been developed in response to our Local Authorities’ recognition of a climate emergency. The leaders of Suffolk’s public sector have all put carbon neutral plans in place for their own organisations and this Plan supports their accompanying commitment to work together to support residents, communities and businesses to make the changes required to best set Suffolk on the path for carbon neutrality by 2030. It builds on the work of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership which has been in place since 2007.
Publication of the Plan, which includes more than a hundred actions across the Key Themes of Collaborative Action, Homes, Low Carbon Transport, Industrial & Commercial Energy Use and Cleaner Power, is just the first step on a journey to learn how to make climate action part of our daily lives. Implementation will require an enormous effort from all stakeholders in our county and region, as well as supportive policies from central government.