An inspirational Eco Awards ceremony in Norfolk 2020
The Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards recognises unsung environmental individuals, projects and schemes with a strong ecological or environmentally-friendly ethos, and groups and organisations which can show they adopt a sound eco approach to their business. Richard Powell OBE, Chair of Wild Anglia, was thrilled to be invited to return as Host for this fifth year…
Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards 2017!
We are now ramping up to the Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards 2017 to showcase all the excellent environmental work that is happening across Norfolk! If you are or know a group or organisation that have outstanding projects and schemes with a strong ecological or environmentally-friendly ethos or which can show they adopt a sound eco…
Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards 2016
The new Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards celebrate people who made an environmentally friendly contribution to their local area or the county in the last year. Entries are being sought from individuals, groups and organisations with a strong sustainable living or eco-friendly ethos, or groups and organisations that show they adopt a sound ecological approach to…