Tag: Economy

Thought Piece, Natural Capital Evaluations

A certain credit card has had an advertising campaign which has used the notion that there are certain things in life which we hold so dear that we cannot put a price on them. Currently there are areas of natural capital which fall into the same category: priceless. So how, then, can we begin to…

By Wild Anglia December 13, 2016 Off

Sustainability skills underpin long-term economic success

The global economy is facing a perfect storm of rising population, scarcity of vital resources, volatile prices of essential materials and resources such as energy, degradation of ecosystems and biodiversity, and the effects of climate change. These significant global and UK trends mean that environment and sustainability need to be integrated into decision making at…

By Wild Anglia April 12, 2016 Off

Nature is a special subject

All too often, we stay in our little boxes.  Scientists talk to scientists, artists talk to artists, writers talk to… themselves (well, I do anyway).  It is a rare and special subject that brings people together, across disciplines and from a wide range of organisations. Nature is that special subject. It is all at once…

By Wild Anglia March 1, 2016 Off