Another great initiative from Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB Team
Landscapes for All in Suffolk and Essex As part of the Coast & Heaths and Dedham Vale Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty’s efforts to improve access to the natural environment, local organisations have been working in partnership to launch several initiatives to ensure the landscape is for everyone. The Landscapes for All work aims to…
Great Article from Suffolk Cast and Heaths
Thank you Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty Team Ambling African Women break down barriers to accessing Suffolk countryside Suffolk County Council celebrated the launch of ‘Ambling African Women’ a new partnership with PHOEBE, the Ipswich-based charity advocating for black and ethnic minority women and children aiming to increase access to Suffolk’s countryside.…
Forestry Commission update
Thanks to the Forestry Commission for continuing to update View this email in your browser 08/11/2023 Today read about… The Professional Forester Apprenticeship programme opening soon, our new blogs on British Game Week and woodland advice available through the PIES project. We are working on the consultation public register and book onto a webinar!…